Company Description
AC Medic Heating & Air, LLC is an HVAC contractor located in beautiful Prescott, Arizona. Family owned and operated, serving all of Northern Arizona with over 30 years of experience. We can handle all your heating and air conditioning needs! We treat all our customers with honest, courteous and clean service. We know you take pride in your home, so we do too!
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Products & Services
HVAC Contractor , Heating , Air Conditioning
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24 May 2021
AC Medic Heating & Air is very accommodating and helped me with my swamp cooler, the gentleman was very professional, very courteous and very very helpful. I'm glad that AC Medic Heating & Air was nice enough to give me this gentleman, thank you.
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AC Medic Heating & Air has 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.
AC Medic Heating & Air
Air Conditioning Contractors & Systems
Furnace Dealers - Heating
Heating Contractors
Home Improvement & Remodelling
Serving Mohave County and the surrounding area
(928) 848-6224